Usman Group is a boutique web design firm that focuses on search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising and pay-per-click advertising to spike page hits and leads. Usability and focus group testing help inform the kinds of innovations that will drive the client's business going forward. Once this testing is complete, Usman Group creates web content that is SEO-optimized and keyword targeted to produce better search results and reel in the right audience. By Usman Group making their websites customizable to the client's changing needs and incorporating open-source CMS tools like ExpressionEngine and Wordpress, clients should never feel powerless in the face of changing analytics and possible business expansion. Consultation, hands-on tutorials and lessons are some of the tools that Usman Group uses to ensure each customized website is understood by the client. Real-time analytics and SEO work in tandem with open-source customizability to help clients add or subtract relevant content.