Beware of outdated SEO information. Be aware of best practices.

Do you want to stay up-to-date with good SEO practices? Methods which helped your site rank well in the past can get you penalized today, so beware of outdated SEO information. Sometimes, someone takes a quote about SEO from a Google executive and misinterprets it, resulting in misinformation spreading like wildfire. Google is the ultimate authority on SEO; their Webmaster Central Blog talks about each of the core updates, indexing issues and SEO. Moz also offers a Google Algorithm Update History which explains how each major update effects webmasters.
You can get misinformation about SEO from websites, especially ones which sell links. The owner post on forums about how important backlinks are, which is true, and how they can help you rank better with links you buy from them.
There is good, valid SEO information on blogs, podcasts and on YouTube. Stay away from any site which suggests creating a private blog network, paying for links or any other shortcuts. Read one of the many blog posts about SEO mistakes; you'll know you're on a dodgy site if these recommend any of the tactics.
Read Search Engine Journal for SEO for beginners, news and trends. The articles come from SEJ's in-house experts and contributing journalists. SEM Rush's blog is also very helpful.
When Google is getting ready for a major update to their algorithm, they usually make an announcement so webmasters can prepare. While they make small changes several times a week, they don't make major changes too often. Google will tell you exactly what to do to stay up-to-date, such as making sure your site loads quickly or is authoritative.
If you concentrate on creating superior content and providing a great user experience for your visitors, algorithm updates won't present any major problems for you. These two things never change. For more information click here