Building a Career as a Web Designer

Building a Career as a Web Designer

Being a web designer has its challenges, as does any other creative field. You have to deal with bosses or clients whose idea of what is aesthetically pleasing varies greatly from your opinion. You may also have bosses or clients that want cheap web designs that look terrible and make you feel embarrassed to have the site in your portfolio. Clients that ruin the beautiful work you've done are annoying as well.
How do you deal with bosses that insist on a site with 10-pixel text and stock photos that are on the client's competitors sites? Explain your reasoning for larger text or custom photography once; if your boss is receptive, you work at a good company. If you're told that the client already paid and to just do what you're told, keep working until you can find a job where your expertise is valued.
Difficult clients are worse than difficult bosses because they have no website design experience at all. A client may tell you to use pictures that they found on Google images, not understanding that everything on the web isn't free to use. What do you do if a client insists that you use pictures that they stole? Telling clients that they are the ones that will get in trouble usually does the trick. Otherwise, if a client wants a hideous design, give it to them, as long as you don’t steal someone else’s work. You can offer advice or a substitute image, however, a client has a right to receive a website that they like for their money.
Always include a screenshot of each website you designed for your portfolio before the client gets their hands on it. If the client ruins the respectable website that you designed, don't include the link in your portfolio. Clients have added very large banner ads and affiliate links on home pages that make the site appear so spammy that you would never want to be associated with it.
Employ tact when dealing with clients or bosses and take their money, their bad taste is not your problem. For more information click here

Web Design