Can You Really Code 3D Animations Using the SVG Format?

SVG has become the most popular standard for expressing aesthetic sequences and effects on all kinds of websites because it allows the user's own browser to render images out of nothing more than information contained within mere lines of code. On top of how quickly an SVG file can be read and executed, SVG is both powerful and flexible as a format because many parameters can be set up to work in harmony and allow for dynamically generated outcomes. These automated functions are capable of producing effects that give the appearance of models existing in three-dimensional space.

Of course, it takes a great deal of technical know-how to manipulate SVG code to the extent that it can simulate environments that retain their shape when the equivalent of a digital "camera" shifts its position for the audience. The procedure that a designer can follow when setting up lines of web code to mutually interact in just the right ways is vastly different from how one uses a traditional 3D animation program that provides its own specialized set of tools. That also means, however, that attempting to create one's own 3D models requires vast knowledge of what is an entirely separate field of digital art. Someone with a fair amount of experience with front-end web design will likely find that it takes months of hard study to become sufficiently proficient with the intricacies of a 3D modeling and animation program, which is not likely to be an efficient investment of time.

Web designers commonly resort to embedding generic, royalty-free video files that depict elaborate sequences with 3D effects and using them as persistently cycling backgrounds. Whether it exists as an HTML5 video element, a WebM element, or an MP4 file, it is likely that having it load as a self-contained video file will take significantly more time for users to download and execute than SVG files. While there are countless assets that can be purchased on the web without the need for attribution, there is always the opportunity for one's own 3D creation to better fit the specific needs of their site. For more information click here