There may come a time, or perhaps multiple times, when developers are called upon to work as designers. This often happens within the realm of online freelance marketplaces; for example, a client may post a project involving a heavily modified Drupal website with e-commerce functionality, and he may ask the developer if she is up to the task of producing design work.
Developers can handle such requests in different ways. Many of them will tell clients that they work with reliable designers whose portfolios clearly attest to their design chops. Some will say that their design capacity is limited to making minor adjustments to WordPress themes. Others may take the plunge and think to themselves: How hard can this be?
If the client is not terribly worried about how the website will look the first time around, there is a good chance that he or she will approach the developer in this regard; after all, this can be changed at a later time. Some clients are just trying to get different opinions or ideas, and they believe that back-end developers can provide practical input since they already know a lot about the project.
What back-end developers should keep in mind is that front-end designers are sometimes called upon to work on simple apps or functions such as capturing data from online forms and organizing it within a SQL database. This could be additional work that the client can be billed for. As for back-end developers who feel that they are not very creative, they should disclose this upfront to clients, but there is not rule that would prevent them from at least taking a shot at the project.
When the project involves designing a mobile application, it can be fun to work on it and be part of the process, but there needs to be a solid foundation on the design of user interfaces and the overall management of user experience. In the end, developers should not feel discouraged to participate in design projects; after all, we can all walk in the shoes of website visitors and mobile app users from time to time. For more information click here