Discussion Board Members Advise New Web Designer

There may come a time in the lives of web developers when they may be tasked with completing a project completely on their own. Such a situation recently came up for a member of a popular online discussion board dedicated to development topics, and she had quite a few questions about how to proceed.

In her original post to the community, the developer explained that a client came to the agency and requested to sit down with an expert in user interface design; this has become par for the course in many agencies, and it usually involves clients who are tech-savvy and know what they want. The project consisted of a web application complete with API, and the client brought a Sketch file that included his vision for the finished project. Since this was the first time the developer was assigned a web application project that included the front and back end, she asked for advice on the steps she should begin with and the best workflow to apply. The recommendations were given by experienced full-stack developers who work without supervision, and here are some of them:

  • The back end of the web app should always be developed and documented first; this results in making the application programming interface easier to deal with when the time comes to release it.

  • The next step would be to create a single HTML file where everything can be contained. The front and back end elements of the project will have to meet at some point, and it is better to set up a "meeting room" now instead of doing so later.

  • With regard to personal project management, the best way to achieve it is by means of checkpoints. Some developers prefer the Japanese kanbam method of using colored papers to designate milestones, but any other method would do fine.

  • The first draft of the dashboard should not have fancy user interface elements at all unless the client insists upon them. Dashboard UI testing can be done at a later stage.

  • One of the reasons you should focus on the back end first is that many clients will see the front end and think that the project is near completion. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/webdesign/comments/n5cn6y/asasolofullstackdeveloperwhatsyourworkflow/.