Does Monetization Take the Fun Out of Building Websites?
Every day, 10s of millions of people go online to surf and have fun. Not to answer emails or shop, they just want something to do that occupies their time, like television did years ago. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are bombarded with ads and affiliate offers. Monetization site is how major sites where people like to have fun can stay operational. YouTube, Pinterest and others rely on ad revenue to pay for their many servers. it professionals and other related expenses.
There are not many people who can afford to create a website just for fun. However, if there is something that you are passionate about, whether it is poetry or sharing your struggles with others to inspire them, you don't have to monetize it. Most people who do either have a regular full-time job or have other websites they make money from. They are web savvy and enjoy the feeling they get just from doing something for fun.
Masking a personal website can be very affordable. There are free platforms, like Blogger, that charge nothing unless you want to use a custom domain instead of a subdomain. Since individuals don't build the sites to monetize them, they can get a cheap domain that isn't SEO-friendly cheap. Many of the free platforms make it easy to build a site that is attractive and functional, even though it might not be the best for attracting search engines.
Creating a website for fun is a creative outlet for some people. Others find it a good way to connect with others who have the same interests, no matter how obscure. Developing a website is also a good way to learn how to operate one for a profit in the future.
Individuals who already know about web development and SEO may find operate a site about a subject that brings them joy is an ideal way to blow off steam. They don't have to worry about traffic, building backlinks or anything else. All they have to do is tp build it and tell their friends about it if they want to. For more information click here