Have You Noticed This Web Design Trend Among FinTech Companies?
There's a certain look that a few financial technology websites have adopted in recent years; if you want to see a couple of examples, search for the Ramp rewards credit card and Alloy, a new cryptocurrency exchange platform. The design elements shared by this two websites include blue and green color palettes with little saturation, a minimalist layout that presents a slightly retro look, and nice typography.
On a popular online forum dedicated to discussion of web design topics, a few members have noticed that FinTech websites are switching their layout principles. A fewyears ago, FinTech companies favored a bold look, and this was intended to differentiate them from traditional financial services providers such as banks and brokerages. This approach seems to be changing, and the design trend that has emerged in its place is more subdued.
What some seasoned web designers have noticed is that this layout trend is very similar to what Web 2.0 companies such as Basecamp and 37 Signals were using circa 2007. The old MailChimp website also followed this design philosophy, and it was quite successful at the time. To a great extent, this was the precursor to Google Material Design.
If you feel that this emerging design trend is worth recommending to your new clients, you do not have to dive into the source code of the two aforementioned websites. The CSS of both can be found within the various templates offered by Webflow. Quite a few Bootstrap themes also sport this design scheme, and it is very suitable for clients who provide professional services. Some developers have compared these templates to the Brutalist school of design, but it is actually more elaborate than that.
Let's be clear about this: Tools such as Webflow and Bootstrap offer great usability benefits to designers, helping them find and understand their clients better. It also means they get better response rates and better conversion rate. However, the only reason many companies keep using these styles is that they are not yet good enough in their own skin. We have noticed that many of them get stuck on using templates included in frameworks. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/webdesign/comments/o46eu7/whatisthestylenameofthesefintech_websites/.