Although the background removal feature of Adobe Photoshop has gotten much better throughout the years, web designer and graphic artists agree that there is still plenty of room for improvement. When it comes to the aesthetic removal of the background image, there is always a bit of learning curve and practice involved. You really need to become proficient in the use of Photoshop Background Removal, Background Layer, Shadow, and Image Stabilizer features in order to get the desired effect; however, artificial intelligence and machine learning are starting to do a much better job in this regard.
Online apps such as RemoveBackground and RemoveBG are getting better at extracting foreground image elements because they are powered by machine learning constructs. Each time you upload an image for background removal to these websites, the underlying AI engine learns from the action, thus getting better at it. This is how Photoshop developers improve their features, but they do so at a more measured pace. RemoveBG is able to learn on the fly, and the routine is coded in such a way that changes are applied on the spot.
Through machine learning routines, AI development firms such as Numenta are able provide various ways for designes to improve background image removal without having to write all kinds of complex code. It requires a low amount of maintenance, so it's much more efficient. This feature is also very similar to early Photoshop features, but they have been considerably improved, and both take place before the image has been saved.
What else could artificial intelligence bring to the table in terms of digital graphic design and web development? Machine learning technology is the most important innovation. AI can never get tired of learning. That's the biggest impact that AI will have in the digital world. AI could learn more than just how to get around images, and it could learn how to understand them. In other words, background removal from digital images is just the beginning. If you think that AI could one day manage web design, your thoughts are correct: This is one machine learning application that is already being developed, although it is pretty early. For more information click here