Here's an Interesting Online Tool to Apply CSS Photo Filters

Web designers who are always looking for online tools to make their jobs easier should bookmark, an internet brand management project where the main feature consists of a digital style guide where designers can gather and organize their various assets for future reference. Baseline is incredibly useful as it is, but its main developer has made it more appealing with a series of free tools that can be launched right on the browser.

Most Baseline web design tools have been launched this year, and the latest consists of a photo filter function that automatically generates proper CSS code. To use this tool, all you have to do is upload a photography and select a filter from 36 provided options; once this is done, users can edit their images on the fly or simply copy the CSS code to the clipboard for the purpose of editing it. The preset filters range from Blue Haze to Mustard Grass and from Space Trip to Ocean Wave.

If you like this Baseline tool, you should make time to try out some of the others available on the same website, which include:

  • A background image removal feature that works with one click and is powered by an artificial intelligence routine similar to the one found in Photoshop.

  • A CSS gradient generator with sliding controls to make your very own custom gradient. For the most part, you should be able to select the right gradient for your project by selecting one from the 42 presets offered by Baseline; doing this will give you a pretty good idea how the digital branding style guide chooses color schemes based on logos that you upload.

If you are looking for more information on CSS image filters and color gradients, you should refer to the Mozilla developer documents on these topics. Keep in mind that using a gradient, requires that you first include the style element on your project. This can be done, for example, on the head section of your HTML. Once your HTML markup is finished, you can start applying CSS gradients for background images. For more information click here