How a YouTube Video Led to a Positive Feedback Loop

A lot of developers see their work as not just something to be proud of, but something that can be used to teach and inspire other developers. One such developer created a neat perspective scroll animation effect on his website. He received so many positive comments and helpful pieces of feedback from inspired coders that he decided to create a tutorial and post it in YouTube at no charge.
The developer has since received thousands of views on the tutorial. Some newer developers were able to gain additional information by watching the video on YouTube. Placing the tutorial on YouTube and not charging viewers to access it has helped the developer to gain more authority as an expert in the perspective scroll animation technique. The comments on the tutorial video are exceedingly positive, with several new coders noting that they are inspired and hope to reach that level of coding skill in the future.
The posting of the tutorial has elicited some constructive feedback for the developer that could help him to make a few tweaks on his site. For example, one viewer noted that on his mobile phone, the page heading to click on in order to see the perspective scroll animation effect at work is cut off, making it difficult to access on some smartphones. The developer can use that feedback in order to make the heading a responsive page element on his website.
A couple of other viewers of the tutorial noted that the developer spoke too softly, and adjusting the volume increased the background noise, which was not helpful. In the future, the developer plans to speak with a microphone closer to his mouth than he did in this perspective scroll animation effect tutorial video.
A few viewers had questions. One person wanted to know how the effect could be set up for use on a phone. Another user wondered why the page loaded slowly, but that could have been due to the increased traffic on the site. A final question was related to how the image transitions were coded into the perspective scroll animation effects. For more information click here