You've landed an interview for that lucrative frontend developer job of your dreams, but how do you prepare for it? Now it's easy, with Jobeir's free interview preparation guide.
The guide is focused on JavaScript, but also covers HTML and CSS, and other frontend technologies. It is split into two sections: Learn and Practice.
First, it guides you through general JavaScript topics. Included here are links to You Don't Know JS, Eloquent JavaScript, Functional Programming in JavaScript Video Series, Understanding the Event Loop Video, What Makes Javascript Weird and Awesome Video Series, and JavaScript Design Patterns.
Then, it guides you through ES6-focused JavaScript topics. This includes links to Ecmascript 6 and Learn Ecmascript 6 Interactively.
Finally, it covers non-JavaScript topics. This includes links to Itsy Bitsy Data Structures and Getting started with CSS.
First, it guides you through some general JavaScript and frontend practice questions. This includes links to Frontend Job Interview Questions and Answers, That JS Dude, Frontend Job Interview Questions, Including Algorithms, and Toptal JavaScript Interview Questions.
Then, it takes you to some frontend quizzes. This includes links to David Shariff's Quiz and the Triplebyte Interview quiz. It also has links to some company-specific Glassdoor quizzes. This includes Facebook Glassdoor Frontend Interview Questions and Airbnb Glassdoor Frontend Interview Questions.
Finally, it includes a link to a paid interview prep guide: The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures.
Jobeir also has a link to a list of great companies that are hiring frontend engineers, as well as a guide to how companies hire.
Extensive in depth, Jobeir should be your first stop when preparing for your frontend job interview.