A common visual effect employed by web designers taking advantage of the SVG file format, CSS-based animations, and JavaScript integration is one in which aspects of the page's layout dynamically adjust themselves proportionally as the user scrolls down the page in their browser. It is often seen on websites that have some sort of background that appears "detached" from the contents on the foreground. It is also used to have certain pieces of content "pop up" as the user passes by what first appears to be empty space, giving the impression that the content is "enthusiastically waiting" to reveal itself to the user because it has some appealing information to share.
This method of aesthetic content presentation requires both artistic and practical design sense to execute in a way that it ultimately does not inconvenience the user's ability to see all of the relevant information at a glance. For example, an app on a mobile device might have an effect occupying roughly 20% of the left edge of the screen that dynamically proceeds downward along with the user's view while the user reads the text occupying the remaining 80%. While the app in this case might come across as professionally designed in an aesthetic sense, the narrow portrait orientation and small physical size of many mobile screens might mean that there is not enough space for detailed sentences to be displayed in their entirety.
Depending on its simplicity, an element that reacts differently even as the rest of the content uniformly scrolls down or up along with the user's view can be achieved through different methods. For example, an effect where some kind of vertical bar fills out can be achieved simply by having a colored background obscured entirely by the foreground contents, except for a drawing containing a narrow "hole" that constitutes a window into the background. Through use of the "div" tag, this background can consist of a colored upper half and a black lower half while remaining fixed in its position. Both portions work together to give the illusion of "filling out" a foreground bar moving upward. For more information click here https://v.redd.it/noes158t4f571.