In a hurry? Learn CSS markup fast with these strategies

If you've ever seen a form of code whether it's a markup language like HTML or a scripting language such as Java, you know that it's pretty difficult to read or write without studying intently for what could be weeks or months before an iota of confidence dawns on you to identify as proficient on any level of the term. What looks like garbage syntax to a novice is a beautifully orchestrated canvas of imagery to an experienced coder, and it conveys messages with similar efficiency to the way that you can read this article now.

Still, not all skills worth having need to be difficult to attain. The old adage of "no pain, no gain" doesn't always apply, but there's one important variable to consider: interest. Like with Rosetta Stone and other "learning hacks" that prove effective at sealing years of learning into your neural folds within mere weeks, you have to care about what you're learning. In a way, this could be thought of as the lone drawback of watching the video that we're about to discuss.

Extreme Basics published a video on March 27 showing you how to learn the CSS markup language inside 20 minutes. What he's done is started with the basics in the way that any middle or high school math teacher notoriously has to: the hard way. Probably the first great hurdle you'll have to overcome is accepting that you're not learning the code in a way that will later prove all that practical to a more proficient you, but you will eventually understand why it's important to uncover the syntax in this piecemeal fashion.

Now, don't go thinking that you'll transmogrify into expert-level coding within those 20 minutes; this is just covering the basics of front-end markups. The good news is, what you learn within those 20 minutes could be enough to prove lucrative to even fresh beginners — take it from the more experienced users among us. The truth is that even inexperienced coders are difficult to stumble upon, and every burgeoning website with their own entrepreneurial focus is in need of a coder on one level or another to assemble their spot and make it go.

If you're interested, you could just become that person within 20 minutes.For more information click here