Jerome Harr Releases Free Code That Can Help Aspiring Designers with Their Projects

If you would like to generate your own alien language for a game, web project, or just for fun, there is a JavaScript just for that. To deploy the script on a web page, an HTML and CSS script is available with an aesthetic design.

At a basic level, it is just a random shape generator that creates foreign characters. Most of these characters may appear as strange alien hieroglyphs or even as somewhat familiar icons. All of the shapes change at every frame so there are a lot of possibilities of combined shapes, creating a unique alphabet each time.

The code has been released for free by Jerome Herr, which is a web programmer that contributes to many open source projects. The symbols in his work may very well be inspired by Pokemon Go's symbols, but there is no mention of it. Many of his projects have a positive reaction to the web design community and his work is used in many websites.

More About Jerome Herr

Jerome is a web programmer based out of Luxembourg with an extensive online presence in many design communities. He publishes many learning-based projects to Code Pen, which include Fractal Free Working Out and Connected Verticles.

On his Tumblr blog, he has a list of coding tutorials for other aspiring web designers. He is inspired by the likes of Daniel Shiffman, Nathan Wolek, and the Khan Academy series.

More About Codepen

Codepen is one of the largest online communities for showcasing web programming and design projects. The source code that is featured is in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and it is geared towards front-end developers. The biggest rival to this site is Github, which incorporates source code of all varieties.

Published code projects are known as pens, which is what the example post by Jerome is considered to be. Since it is nearing 17 million monthly views, it is where most front-end developers go to showcase their portfolios. The code is easily posted since there is an embedded code editor that can even serve as a primary IDE if one wanted to. For more information click here