Josh Collinsworth on why CSS should be your favorite programming language.
"The Future Belongs to CSS," is what Josh Collinsworth believes with his favorite programming language. He has published a working concept of a dynamically changing grid layout can really make designers think outside of the box.
The code has a pretty simple layout. It generates integers from 1 to 400 in order to generate a large number of color sets. This is why there is always a different color arrangement when scrolling down the tiled page. Doing all of this is thanks to the NTH-child integer within the CSS selector.
Basically, it is just assigning different styles to a broad range of classes. Although CSS Grid is the backbone of this style concept, the "position: sticky" command is what drives it. The block of each sticky position will be pushed until it crosses a certain threshold, which allows the blocks to move orderly.
This concept does demonstrate the power of some of the latest features in CSS Grid and it's potential to be used as an isolated language. In a real-world application, a developer would still likely need to import other languages to get a functional website.
About the developer
Josh Collinsworth is a well-rounded developer with web and illustration skills. He is able to make magic with his diverse skill set and he is currently applying it to his employer at Flywheel.
He is also a design instructor for the Interface Web School. The Interface Web School is about producing skilled professionals for web startups. They are based in Omaha, NE and they work with companies and students throughout the Midwest United States.
Josh's Twitter account is quite active with posts about his coding endeavours. Aside from coding, he is involved with political banter, cryptocurrency investments, and humorous subjects.
Aside from his professional career, he has taken up a series of hobbies. He is an avid Crossfitter that aims to strengthen his body and lift the maximum weight possible. He is a video game collector with a specific passion for retro devices. He is also a public speaker with an aim to change the world for social justice.