Learn Web Design Online With Multiple Resources

Learn Web Design Online With Multiple Resources

If you’re interested in a career as a front end developer and as a web designer, then it’s important to find helpful tools and information to build your design and coding skills. The following list of websites are resources for learning how to create insightful and engaging websites for all sorts of purposes. These sites offer advice and educational tools on web design, user interface (UI), as well as beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses.CodecademyCodecademy offers a comprehensive curriculum for those who are interested in UX Design. The courses start with basic HTML and JavaScript, progressing towards special techniques to improve the look of websites, and ending with advanced Java and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) techniques.GitHubGistGitHubGist has a plethora of resources on front end development. The site offers dozens of websites and books that provide information on React & Redux, jQuery, design, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. SkillcrushSkillcrush, an online school specializing in coding and design, provides an excellent list of 13 skills that you will need in today’s front end development environment. Some of the skills mentioned include JavaScript and front end frameworks, the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture, Content Management Systems like Wordpress, and learning how to properly test and debug the sites that you will design.TreehouseTreehouse offers a wide-variety of educational tools for web technology. It offers 59 hours of training videos and courses on topics such as responsive web design, front end performance optimization, CSS flexible layout, and Ajax, a web tool that allows JavaScript to communicate with web servers.Refactoring UIRefactoring UI, a website with many tips on web development and about user interface (UI), has a book on UI design created by a web developer and a UI designer. The book has sections on separating visual and document hierarchy, aligning text with the goal of readability, and giving a sense of depth to flat designs. There are also sections on discovering the intended sizes for images and creating a spacing and sizing system. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/amrkjr/javascript_developer_who_wants_to_learn/.

Web Design Online Resources