Making a Business Case Is a Good Move for Requests

When you work at a large corporation, it can still be a challenge to convince management to add to your team. It pays to create a business-oriented plan as to why you need to scale up the number of people working on a project or in your design team overall. Management is more likely to listen to a business case than a complaint about lack of staffing. When working on a business case to convince management to expand staffing levels, there are several areas to include in the plan.

Scalability is one of those areas to be explained in-depth. If there is just one marketer or programmer to create a prototype and create designs, there will be a bottleneck. One person may stick with the same type of approach on most projects, which limits creativity and the ability to increase productivity. Adding another person to the design team brings in a fresh perspective, set of skills and the ability to get more done.

Another area to go over in a business case for expanding an in-house design team is user experience. Designing and creating prototypes is for naught if the user experience is terrible. Having two or more people to work on user acceptance testing, handling tickets and writing up the user experience stories helps with the creation of a product that consumers want to use.

The addition of another experienced designer to a team also boosts a company's diversity of opinions. Each person has a different background and set of experiences. Those past experiences shape future work. They also shape the way that a person goes about doing things. There will be a greater array of designs and paths forward when adding a member to the design team.

Finally, a business case for expansion of a design team should also detail how the level of effort or time consumption could improve or be made more efficient by expanding. A few other things to consider including are detailed costs of outsourcing and a cost/benefit comparison of the cost of hiring a new permanent employee for the in-house design team. For more information click here