Best Design Blog

The 10 Best Design Blog provides a trove of information about the web, print, and digital design industries.

Creating Expert Web Design by Creating Prototypes First

Like with many other industries where success largely depends on one's ability to apply their sense of artistry to their work, web design is a creative endeavor in which the worker's ability to create an ideal product benefits from having constructed a ...

WordPress 101: Picking the Right Theme for Your Needs

As the world's most popular web publishing platform, WordPress happens to be quite dynamic; it can accommodate the needs of businesses ranging from law firms to supermarkets and from magazines to dental clinics. We know that quite a few WordPress themes are meant to ...

With Lottie, You Don't Need to Learn Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects should not be a web design standard; after all, the application was originally developed for the film industry, particularly with regard to editing and post-production. It did not take long for video game developers to warm up to this application, and this got ...

Does Monetization Take the Fun Out of Building Websites?

Every day, 10s of millions of people go online to surf and have fun. Not to answer emails or shop, they just want something to do that occupies their time, like television did years ago. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are bombarded with ads and affiliate ...