Best Design Blog

The 10 Best Design Blog provides a trove of information about the web, print, and digital design industries.

Designers Should Include These Five Things in Site Contact Forms

If we could establish a trinity of website sections that should never be ignored, we would invariably mention the home, about, and contact us pages. Some SEO professionals may include the sitemap, but that element is mostly there for the benefit of the Google crawler and ...

There Is a Weird Nostalgia for Some Old Operating Systems

The motivation behind digital nostalgia is hard to explain. It's simply that, at least in North America and Europe, nostalgia can be seen as something that we have wanted and needed for a long time now; something that is now easily accessible to us ...

Lighthouse Lights the Way for Better Web Traffic

When a website strives to make it onto the front pages of the particular SERPs through which it hopes to attract web traffic, it must pursue all available methods of SEO that Google's ranking algorithms are expected to react positively to. Auditing software is ...

Check Out This Clever Ubuntu Themed Website Made With React.JS

One of the most interesting trends in web design and developments consists of replicating an operating system experience as closely as possible. You have probably seen WordPress themes and templates that feature classic Macintosh styling; the same goes for minimalist websites that look as if they ...