The 10 Best Design Blog provides a trove of information about the web, print, and digital design industries.
The term "design" often evokes connotations of aesthetic detail because of its ubiquity in terms like "web design," which pertains to an industry where artistic talent is a proven area where one can get ahead of the competition. Indeed, audiences would generally ...
A person who operates a website came across an article about cookie consent and the GDPR banners that a lot of sites have up. They found that it is somewhat of a speed run, and it is frustrating to the visitor. They shared this article in ...
A person who runs a popular personal blog recently updated it. Their update allows readers or guests to send them a doodle. They shared their site and invited people in a large online discussion group to send them some drawings, too. The original poster got some ...
Do you think paying $840 for a domain name would be too much these days? That was the question recently posted to a popular online community dedicated to web design, and the answers illustrate how little is generally known about the domain registrar market. The website ...