Programmers Discuss the Features Available on Ikonate

A website programmer recently shared an article with the programming community. This article was about Iknoate and how it allows the programmer to create fully customizable and accessible vector icons. The programmer wanted to know what others thought about this tool and whether or not they would use it in their designs.
One person replied back with a statement that all vector icons can be customized by people who already have the Illustrator tool by Adobe. This thread had several responses, including a statement that anyone who has Illustrator probably already knows how to make their own vector icons anyhow, and they would be unlikely to need any more tools or tips on how to do so. Some people wrote back that thinking of what to draw can be harder than actually drawing the thing. The person who originally suggested Illustrator replied that there is a big leap between Illustrator and the Ikonate tool, and not everyone would be ready to cross that divide.
Another person wrote and wondered how much Ikonate costs to use. The original poster replied that Ikonate is free, but the developers of the tool would appreciate it if users would attribute them as a resource in their work. It is a free tool under MIT. Anyone can use it in their personal or commercial projects, including those that they are getting paid to create. It is a free and open-source tool.
A programmer noted that Ikonate's products are not accessible. By this, they mean that the icon vectors may not be accessible to people with vision or mobility problems. They may also have some problems with displaying well on responsive design setups. This is important to note. It would not be wise to put an inaccessible icon on a site that you want to be responsive.
Other people commented on the accessibility concern. While Ikonate does not bill itself as being fully accessible, it does have some accessibility features. A programmer will have to test this out for themselves. As always, it pays to test any new feature or function on a site before release. For more information click here