Recommendations on How to Add Exit Buttons to Your Website

There may come a time when you need to include an exit button on website design project; the most common situation in this regard involves web pages that feature adult content, but it can also apply to charity websites in which their underlying cause is religious, political, or ideological. Whatever the reason for a quick exit, it is always thoughtful to offer such a function right on the page instead of urging visitors to click the back button of their browser.

For the most part, quick exit buttons require simple JavaScript routines. First, you need to determine if the user's browser has the ability to do so. If so, you need to create a link from that to the exit button, something like the following:

href="#exit_link" Exit

Next, you need to hide the link if JavaScript is disabled on the visitor's browser. You do this using the standard JavaScript window.onload function. At this point, you might think that you are done, but you are wrong, because you still need to have a quick, and probably more important, exit button.

When JavaScript is disabled, buttons cannot be hidden; they need to become visible, and when the link is clicked, it automatically jumps to a blank page.

When the exit goal is to detect whether the visitor is leaving for good, you will need to check a few conditions: Is the visitor is leaving a specific page or website? If so, it is very likely they're gone. Is the visitor clicking the back button? Is the visitor leaving the page due to an HTTP response code? If so, return a simple 'no' message.

If the exit conditions are met, you then need to perform the same steps to hide the link. To hide the exit link on the current page, return the same message that you did to the exit button. To hide the link on a different page: If the linked page is outside of the domain, then do nothing.

If the linked page is within the domain and has not yet been visited, return the same message as before. If the linked page is within the domain and has been visited, return a different message that you use to tell the user not to go back. For more information click here