If you spend time checking out new topics of discussion on web design forums, there is a good chance you may have seen some pretty cool projects with CSS variables that change the layout and introduce neat visual effects according to visitor activity. There are various ways to accomplish this, but one of the best methods is to code on the Svelte development framework, which does not show up when you display the page source code.
Svelte provides a nice alternative to other frameworks such as React and Vue. In essence, Svelte combines CSS with JavaScript plus HTML along with plenty of libraries designed to enhance the creation of interactive user interfaces. The Svelte philosophy says that the design of an interface should break down into components that do different things, each operating independently. For example, an object should perform only one thing: it should own a property named 'name' and return its value. It shouldn't say 'print this to a screen'. And yet programming languages like C, JavaScript, or PHP can't enforce this.
The Svelte libraries grant access to powerful features that haven’t been available in JavaScript frameworks before. This means you’ll never need to worry about JavaScript or HTML, and your app can run faster than ever before. With Svelte, you can build progressive web apps as small as 140 bytes, which is a tenth the size of your web app in React or Vue. The libraries are very specific, but they really get the job done with effects that take advantage of advanced hardware, modern web rendering engines, and higher processing power.
The learning curve required to master Svelte is about the same as React or Vue, but creating new libraries is a different story because you will need to dissect project repos. As Svelte core development team members approve more contributions, the number of cool effects and templates should become more interesting. As of June 2021, most of the websites created with Svelte ate hosted outside of the United States, but this is bound to change in the near future as more front-end developers discover this exciting framework. For more information click here https://i.redd.it/cserarmq0cd71.gif.