In a large design forum, a person shared a link to an article that showcased Akar icons. These are icons that are perfectly rounded. They're made for designers and developers. This person is the designer of the icons. They wanted to get some feedback from other people in order to improve their designs and find out how useful they would be.
One person replied and said that the sliders were invisible in Firefox. Another person said they wished that range sliders would be standardized across browsers and operating systems. A few other commentators were also pleased about this SVG library.
Another commentator said that the designer did a good job. They appreciated that the SVGs were customized based on stroke width. An individual who took a look at the icons noted that the phone appeared to have a dent in it. Someone else noted that there is a more modern phone icon available in the library, and it did not have any design flaws.
An individual said that these icon designs were gorgeous, and they appreciated that they were available in multiple sizes. They encouraged the original poster to keep adding to the library and make the designs available in different sizes.
A person wanted to know if these icons would work in React Native. The original poster replied that they would. An individual noted that these icons reminded them a lot of Feather icons. Someone else said that the icons were great, and they planned to download the library and use them on their blog.
Overall, the original poster received a lot of positive feedback and no real criticism about their designs. They got a lot of encouragement to continue expanding their library. It appears that a lot of people will find it useful for their personal sites as well as some of their professional work.
It's encouraging when designers choose to take on this type of a creative endeavor and share it with a larger community. It's also heartening when the do this and make it all available for free. Everyone thanked the original poster for the designs. For more information click here