Enjoying the Wait with Chris Dermody

As the world continues to provide more instantaneous gratification in a myriad of areas, so too grows the need to let a user know when something may take a short period of time before it is ready. When people can view video or read articles or ...

CSS Grid: An excellent medium for new designers and developers!

In this recent piece, Chen Hui Jing takes readers on an entertaining romp through CSS Grid. Entertaining because the tone is friendly. Romping because CSS Grid is, as Jing says, "really special." He calls it a dynamic medium and he is enthused about designing ...

How to Easily Create Great CSS-Based Web Design Elements Online

While figuring out hypertext markup language (HTML) isn't terribly difficult, cascading style sheets (CSS) is often where people get lost. It's a deep hole to descend into, a complex and beautiful markup language of its own kind that makes you wonder who creates this stuff and ...

How to Get Great SVG Backgrounds for Free

A website named svgbackgrounds.com provides a service that allows web designers to modify previously designed Scalable Vector Graphics background patterns and freely download them for use as backgrounds on their websites. It is maintained by Matt Lipman, creative director of the Massachusetts web design firm ...