
New Design Effect Database Goes Live, Receives Feedback

A CSS developer has shared in a large online design community that they have created a website where they will store all of the effects they have ever used. They wanted to store all of them in one place. The person encouraged people to take a ...

How To Influence Your Website Visitors With Image Blurring Effects

As a web designer, you have a lot of power to influence how a visitors views and interacts with a website. Design has a purpose, not simply to make a user admire the aesthetic effect. You can make someone focus on an object or to feel ...

The Perfect Vanilla JavaScript Effect for Bloggers (Desktop Only?)

A web designer wanted to share an article about an ASCII node-based fluid simulation library. It was built using vanilla JavaScript. The simulation features movement in a spiral type of pattern when a person moves the cursor. The movement starts from the center out, making it ...

Flashy Effects Are Not Always the Best Choice for Designs

Part of the power of web design as a business medium is that it allows a great range of freedom as to how complex or simple any individual element of a web page can be aesthetically presented. A website can settle on a distinct visual identity ...