
Drop Down Menu Creates Heated Debate In Developer Forum

On a web design discussion forum, a person shared that they recently created a drop-down that they were proud of. It offers a tabbing function. One person who took a look said that it was not obvious that a person could tab through the options. They ...

Some 2020 Trends for Making a Fresh Site on SaaS

With the future of software applications clearly being powered by cloud computing, companies that follow the Software-as-a-Service business model face strong competition. SaaS can be a good source of revenue potential as long as prospects can be continuously enticed to discover and learn about products. In ...

There Are a Lot of Guesses About Upcoming Website Trends

Web design, like any industry, routinely adapts to various trends that may either end up getting discarded within a few years or become permanent fixtures within that industry's respective culture. Trends typically come about when a person or group seeking to innovate an advantage over stiff ...

How to Serve Your Users Nostalgia Through Their Browser

Inspirations can sometimes be hard to come by when it comes to creating an original and eye-catching website. One of today's style, visual and musical trends is a new sort of retro, sometimes called vaporwave. People are cashing in on this trend all over the globe, ...