Designers Using Sophisticated Visual Effects for Better User Experience

The increasing power and complexity of web code allows ever more sophisticated effects hosted on web pages to be directly rendered by web browsers instead of loaded as separate files with large file sizes. Because even the basic forms of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript support functionality ...

Using Gradients to Make Your Website More Visually Appealing

Gradients are one of the easiest methods of giving a website's aesthetic design a sense of visual depth because creating one can be as simple as designating two values at separate points and watching the computer fill out everything in between. Solid stretches of an unchanging ...

JavaScript Syntax Can Create a Variety of Stunning Visual Effects

It is possible to have websites run and execute JavaScript syntax so that the viewer can see and interact with exceedingly sophisticated effects that were not exported from animation programs. Despite how complex these effects can be, it is technically possible for them to be rendered ...

Company Websites Can Now Be Enhanced With Free Visual Media

Many websites offer various royalty-free image and media files that web designers can freely download and incorporate into their websites to enhance their sense of professionalism. A recent website named Mixkit is an example of one such online resource that provides high-definition videos that have been ...