A programmer is trying to create an interesting effect for text in the hover state. When the cursor is over the text, the person wants it to look like it is rolling a little or slightly levitating. The person can already do this in JavaScript, but ...
In the web development community, dark mode on the web is a controversial subject. A person shared an article about it and wanted to know what other developers thought about the ongoing argument and struggle to set this up on different websites. The wide range of ...
A website developer wanted to know how annoyed you have to be at CSS in order to add 274 digits to your z index. This was somewhat of a rhetorical question, but many others in the CSS coding community had a few things to say about ...
If you want to build WordPress themes and make them available to the public, you need to become familiar with the GNU General Public License WordPress uses. If you don't plan to distribute your work as a free or paid theme, you don't have to worry ...