It is a sad fact that a lot of developers end up not getting paid by their clients after they start doing a project. While some of these people did not have contracts or agreements in place, many of them did. It is possible for a ...
Web design and website development require two different skill sets; many people prefer doing one or the other. If you want to design websites for clients, you'll need a full-stack developer who can develop the front and back end of the site. You have to make ...
A website developer recently created and released a tutorial demonstrating how blog owners can take their pages off of the Medium platform and use them elsewhere for making their own blog. One person wondered what the reasoning for this would be because Medium is a well-known ...
Bootstrap makes it easy to learn responsive web design with HTML, CSS, and JS. There are free and paid templates, plugins and more for front-end designers to customize. It helps to know HTML, CSS and JavaScript before learning Bootstrap as it will make learning it much ...