Web Development

Front and Back End Developers Play Different and Important Roles

Are front-end developers having an identity crisis? One blogger from Dev.to seems to think so. The modern web developer may not seem to have well-defined roles in the big picture. What may be expected from a front-end web developer comes from the employer, which is ...

Clock Shop - Providing Animated Clock Code for Your Website

Adding interactive elements to a website can sometimes add a little flair to otherwise bland pages. Those who have a need for a clock animation can find a variety of cool designs at Clock Shop. The website is a repository of code for animated clocks. Clock ...

Methods Web Designers Use to Engage Visitors

Quite a few professionals and casual observers follow web design trends. Unfortunately, today's websites continue to make quite a few missteps in design. Most websites concern themselves more with collecting visitors' data than building an excellent website. Visitors constantly run into advertisements, newsletter signup prompts, and ...

Quick and Easy Ways to Jumpstart Your Charts

Are there any activities that you want to chart over time? Perhaps you want to figure out what time of day you listen to the most music, or when you take the fewest steps per hour. This information can help you optimize your life and share ...