A person shared a link to a site that offers code on how to create a time lapse. The site does this with a main.js file. The person said they can configure objects and update them. On the site, a visitor can also find information ...
A person shared a link to a website design site that offered examples of the CSS folded poster technique. The folded poster used in the example is a scene from a popular television show. It simply takes a rectangular image with text and creates the impression ...
In 2020, it is pretty safe to say that every website needs to be designed with user experience in mind. Another safe assumption to make is that website visitors expect a certain level of interaction; they like sites where they can do things, which means that ...
Over the last few years, the web design and development community has been fortunate to benefit from the generosity of peers who are also graphic artists. It is thanks to this generosity that we have free image resources such as Humaaans, Undraw, Illustration Hunt, Drawkit, Flat ...