Team of Coders Builds a Puzzle for Programmers to Try

A programmer just announced that they have launched CSS Battle, which is the first CSS code for golfing battlegrounds. Some people were not quite sure of what this meant. Others had some comments to share with other programmers after they took a look at the release. The people who took a look at it had a lot of comments to share with the CSS Battle development team.
One person noted that the stripping of white space should happen automatically. The development team replied with a statement that they found it more fun to do manually, but they did thank the person for their feedback. Another person wondered if scores could be submitted on an anonymous basis. A person replied wondering if anonymous entries could crash the CSS Battle server.
A few people had questions about the coding itself, and the development team replied with small snippets in order to answer specific questions. One person noted that the rules disallowed Javascript. The battle also does not allow the submission of images.
A person replied that their interest would be higher if they could see other people's scores. The development team replied that they are working on a way to make that happen without decreasing the fun of the game. A few people thought it would be less fun that way.
One person asked for a way to take a look at the solutions implemented by other users. This person thought that the environment was already great for learning, and being able to see how others solved a puzzle could expand a person's way of thinking. The original developer thought that this was an interesting idea and will consider it. Another person replied that they do not want to see the solutions. A third replied that perhaps a week of blind mode would be good, then solutions could be made live after that.
Somebody who checked out this puzzle asked for the different puzzles to be categorized in a way that makes more sense. This person suggested categories including drawing, overall layouts, partial layouts and UI elements. They also want a poll. For more information click here