If you spend time browsing e-commerce websites, there's a good chance you have seen product catalog elements that allow you to get a preview of how items look when you personalize them. Let's say you are shopping for t-shirts; once you choose the style and color, you may be able to choose various graphics as well as lettering options. Clicking or tapping on the options results in the t-shirt image changing to reflect your choices.
The aforementioned function can be coded by means of JavaScript, but you will need to keep things within a canvas HTML5 element. Canvas elements are mostly used for drawing and generating graphics. With this particular application, you can generate and draw the image in the canvas element, and make the images dynamic. This means the image will change based on the input you give it. In this post, you will learn how to create a canvas-based e-commerce site with dynamic images.
Using Canvas
As mentioned, you will be using a canvas element to generate the dynamic images. Canvas is a HTML5 feature and its purpose is to display images on web pages. In order to put a canvas in place of an image, you will need to add a proper tag in order to add an image with the width and height attributes. The attributes are used in calculating the proportions of the canvas image. Once the tag has been added, you will need to generate the image, which is usually done through scripting.
Here is a basic HTML5 code block of a canvas tag:
canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"
This shows how a canvas tag is put in place, and then the width and height attributes are used to generate an image. The canvas tag is also used to render it as an image, which is called a rendering. Canvas is a powerful feature, but you need to keep in mind that the tag must be in a proper place for the page to render correctly.
Using JQuery
JQuery is an HTML5 library that is used in scripting to dynamically add functions, styles, and scripts to web pages. This script is useful for building interactive web pages and making things more efficient and better for user-friendly interactive experiences. In this particular application, you will be using the canvas library to generate the dynamic images. For more information click here https://www.haileyhome.com/collections/personalized-cutting-boards/products/personalized-cherry-cutting-board-with-rounded-edges-and-juice-groove-11-x-17?variant=29552894181462.