This Layout Generator is Perfect for Learning to Code CSS

Most front-end developers who prefer to use CSS for their projects get inspiration from templates posted on websites such as Dribble and Behance, but they would be better off using tools such as the CSS Layout Generator created by Brad Woods. This amazing web design tool does exactly what its name implies, and its developer recently added a few templates that actually invite to play around with the generator for the purpose of seeing the code in action.

If you are learning to code with CSS Grid, this layout sandbox environment will come in handy. If you are a seasoned developer who just wants to get some inspiration by means of code snippets related to classic templates, the CSS Layout Generator would be right up your alley even though the featured templates are not exactly ready to use; you will still need to code quite a few of the elements, but you will have the benefit of having strong fundamentals of CSS design to guide you.

The starter templates that the CSS Layout Generator provides include:

  • Modern 3X3
  • Infinite
  • Sidebar
  • Main header with footer
  • Holy Grail

In the near future, this tool will be upgraded so that it works with Flexbox as well, but it is worth mentioning that the Holy Grail template is a nice addition because this is a style that seems to be making a comeback.

The Holy Grail layout features multiple columns of equal heights that inspired the development of CSS. In the case of tables, you used to run into problems of the entire page being defined by a table and table-like HTML for the different columns. In the case of CSS, you used to get the problems of needing to provide multiple definitions of all the different column widths (i.e. defining all column widths with pixel values in a style sheet) or multiple @media definitions. This means defining lots of @media statements when you want to have the page layout to scale down to a smaller screen size. The Holy Grail template in this generator has been improved to the point that you no longer have to deal with these issues. For more information click here