Many websites find that it reasonably suits their needs to adhere to a stock style of presentation in which their various pages are connected through traditional internal links, and it is also enough for most sites that those pages' contents are maintained in static positions. Therefore, the most historically prevalent way to present a website has been to keep its contents' aesthetic elements firmly fixed in place so that they rigidly move in tandem with the text as the reader scrolls down the page. Similarly, the act of following a hyperlink typically makes the next page spontaneously take the place of the current one without any smooth transition.
However, because web design aims to make a positive impression on potential consumers, vertical scrolling effects are commonly deployed to make otherwise static pages feel more "lively" and "structured" as users descend through them. Websites such as online shops similarly try to liven up the process of moving between product pages by animating the transitional periods between one page's departure and another page's appearance. One way to achieve this is to have the next page appear to slide in from the right while seemingly pushing the previous page off the left edge of the window. This "slider" concept is commonly called a "carousel" effect if bringing up the next page enough times would bring the user back to the page they originally started at.
Web carousels are commonly achieved in JavaScript by installing libraries that have been customized to streamline the process of implementing slider-like effects that have already been worked out and distributed by professional web programmers. As there are many different libraries on offer that suit different slider variations, there should not be a need to code a customized slider or carousel by oneself. While doing so would be valuable for one's self-education in web programming, doing this for a paying client is not recommended because the publicly distributed libraries would already have been thoroughly tested, refined, and accepted within the mainstream. JavaScript carousels can also be implemented on websites hosted on WordPress through extensions designed for the WordPress CMS. For more information click here