Unicode Guidance for Chinese and Japanese Coding

When coding Japanese and Chinese symbols on HTML, you may run into situations whereby the spacing will seem off. Let's say you wish to insert quotation marks in a page filled with Japanese text; if you happen to be typing on a Hiragana keyboard, the bracket keys will give you the kagikakko characters you need, but a full space will be inserted between them and the adjacent letters or numbers. The Japanese letters 'kahki' and 'ko', are actually two separate kanji characters, but with the correct spacing you'll use both of them, and if they are prefaced or concluded with kagikakko, there will be a lot of white space.

When you run into these situations, your best bet will be to use Unicode so that you can generate kagikakko with just a half width for spacing. The codes are as follow:

U+FF62 U+FF63 U+300E U+300F U+FFA4 U+FFA1

Unlike the Unicode for the Roman alphabet, in which there are no spaces hard-coded after the characters, Japanese and Chinese impose the full and half-width spaces after quotation marks because this is the custom in calligraphy. When kagikakko are too close to other kanji, it would look awkward and confusing. The full space given by the keyboard is fine when composing emails in Japanese, but they can mess up the uniformity of the white spacing aesthetic on a web page.

What you can do is to add some letters to both sides of the 'ba' space. The letters 'kab' and 'ko' will create the two halves of the kanji. There is no need to remove them as these letters already add an extra row of white space. Here are the Unicode strings you would need:




In all these letters, you'll see white lines as the same horizontal distance. What is the best way to make that the same? How much will this change to take into account the extra white space? If you see a white line of black space between the 'ba' space and the 'ko' space, your kanji will be too far apart. For more information click here https://i.redd.it/nkl9y2n52iz61.jpg.