Today, we're checking out a website that features a bald dude — smart dude — named Adrian Roselli. We're not focusing specifically on him or his baldness however; we're more interested in his discourse on a foray into CSS Venn diagrams. These aren't really necessary to play with, but you can do some interesting things with them if you manage to get your head around coding them in something a little more complex.
For starters, you can usually make a perfectly good Venn diagram with floats and a little arranging of some visual elements. It's a basic and functional way of tackling the task, and it brings no contraindications or weirdness like with CSS variants. In this way, we're not here to tell you that a CSS Venn diagram or really any particular project with a simpler solution should be executed with this method.
Firstly, you should keep in mind that CSS shapes play a big role in conveniently carrying this out. Not all browsers support such a feature; in fact, Microsoft's two — Internet Explorer and Edge — are unsurprisingly behind the times on this point. Their devs have only said that they're "considering" the feature, which probably means it's a ways off. However, in the meantime, Firefox is cited as an excellent alternative that allows you to highlight the edges of your CSS visual elements and play with them using a GUI interface.
You'll want to use an HTML container to hold everything in. Adrian uses div tags to offset the circles of the Venn diagram. His idea was to maintain the power of ad hoc styling, sticking with spans in the case that ad hoc styling should be used in order to prevent the visual elements from falling apart. Adrian notes that a healthy buffer between the edges of the circles and the text is a good idea when you think other fonts might eventually be traded in at some point.
You can read more about it and catch up on the insane amount of content to wade through if you really want the technical nitty-gritty of the whole process. Have fun, and don't push yourself to such unnecessary levels if you don't plan to learn anything from it. For more information click here