As Internet technology progressed and the standards for web syntax advanced, various methods of achieving particular effects on websites were obsoleted by more efficient functions that could execute the same effects with support for more powerful and specialized parameters. For example, various animated effects and images that originally required self-contained files to be loaded in full can now be expressed through more concise lines of CSS code that take much less loading time for one's browser to render. Despite the visual nature of these effects, the code for them is often contained within the very HTML and CSS files that would originally have mostly consisted of baseline content and site-wide styling.
Individual functions used for establishing a web page's content layout have also been superseded by updated CSS functions. While not absent from contemporary web design, the "float" element is no longer the primary method of shaping the brunt of a page's layout because it is easier to make necessary adjustments and alignments using the "Flexbox Layout module." Elements made from Flexbox resemble rectangular fields with smaller fields inside them. However, Flexbox elements make sure that the contents of its boxes dynamically scale in size to avoid uneven stretches of white space that might normally occur when, for example, only three images occupy a rectangle and they stay static even as the fields expand in length.
This white space that would appear as the user's browser window changes shape was a common issue with "float" elements when they were used to encase rectangular swaths of pages for the same purpose. At the time, this was a usage of "float" that came about through web designer innovation, but pages dependent on this tag were forced to contend with how "float" elements force the accompanying content to align itself to either the left edge or the right. The tag is still used today to allow text content next to images to properly wrap around them so that images do not essentially make white space occupy the rest of the same horizontal swaths of page space and push other content entirely underneath themselves. For more information click here