What is user experience and what does it really mean?

A website designer shared an informative article about user experience. Often shortened to just "UX," user experience is defined by the experience a person has when they interact with a product or service. It is also the experience a person has when visiting a website. It encompasses physical and online interactions and plays a big role in loyalty, conversion of visitors into customers and the building of trust.

An example of a poor physical UX is walking into a store and finding that the shelves are disorganized and overloaded. On a website, the idea is complicated. UX is a term started by Don Norman, who is a cognitive scientist. There are entire websites focused on UX design techniques and examples. It also includes app design services.

The UX includes both visual and product design. A lot of website content about UX is relate to usability. Some of it also touches on accessibility. For designers who are just getting started, UX planet is a website that could help. It includes information on different approaches, rules and principles for website design. The site has a tab for beginners, too.

UX matters is another resource. It offers a list of 25 articles and even more topics related to UX. Moz also has a UX category of articles for designers to read. A person may also want to look at some eBooks on UX. Norman wrote one called "The Design of Everyday Things." It was first published more than 30 years ago, but its information is still relevant to current design standards.

A few other books to check out include "UX for Beginners: A Crash Course in 100 Short Lessons" by Joel Marsh and "Universal Principles of Design" by Willian Lidwell and Kritina Holden. After a person is more familiar with UX, they could read Susan Weinschenk’s "100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People." The "Don’t Make Me Think" book by Steve Krug is another good choice. A developer should also plan to look at some relevant YouTube channels for recent tutorials and examples of good UX on different websites. For more information click here https://w3-lab.com/web-design/user-experience-ux-for-websites/.