What Kind of Stack Would a Social Network Project Require?
Have you ever though about building a social network from scratch? We are talking about coding the full stack starting with the back-end and putting together the user interface as well as the layout. Forget about using Ning or mooSocial; if your project needs to stay as pure as possible, you will have to choose the right ingredients for the stack recipe, and this is what a web designer recently did to build a social network dedicated to users who are members of the Korean diaspora.
This particular coder selected a combination of React.JS and Javalin along with MongoDB in order to advance his project. Since he is mostly a back-end developer, he built a bare-bones UI for testing, and he also sought the input of fellow web designers.
Fellow back-end developers praised the project in terms of the stack elements; here are some of their positive comments:
Using a React.JS UI makes for a fast user experience, especially if you use GraphQL to query your data sources.
Javalin makes the life of the back-end developer easy and fun because it automatically scales when more devices are accessing the application.
Javalin also makes sure that you have a REST API available in the back-end, which makes it possible for your users to access the application with other services like Facebook or Twitter.
The future of both the web and mobile is evolving, and web designers increasingly have to develop technologies like those listed above in order to support mobile user interfaces and applications. The way to go in this regard is to focus on front-end solutions conducive to progressive web apps. Modern social networks are mostly geared to be used on smartphones by users who are out and about; as much as you would like to build a native Android or iOS app with bells and whistles, you do not want to leave out mobile users who prefer to use the browser.
Since the aforementioned project is already using React.JS for the back-end, it makes perfect sense to choose this framework for the progressive web app user interface. Angular.JS may also work, but it would be overkill. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/webdesign/comments/p85mjo/icreatedasocialnetworkwebsitefromscratch/.