What to Do After Making a Mistake for Site SEO

Becoming a professional at the art of search engine optimization can take years of practice. Even those who have attained professional status at SEO can make mistakes. Just when you think you have everything right something goes wrong and you disappear from Google's page one results.
What Happened to Your SEO?
It is frustrating to know that you've done everything right and have still been Google-slapped for SEO errors. Here's a little secret that you might not know. The best SEO strategists in the world get penalized. The difference between them and you is that they know how to roll with Google's punches.
You need to understand that there are hundreds of things that can affect your SEO. Many of these can happen at any given moment with little or no warning. Here's an example. A competitor makes some improvements to their SEO and suddenly outranks you. To you it appears that you were outranked overnight, but that is almost never the case. The competitor has probably been tweaking SEO for a while. Things are finally starting to click.
Google has been known to change its algorithm without warning, almost on a whim. You suddenly drop in ranking and your tendency is to think you did something wrong. Maybe the reality is that Google just changed the rules.
Even Google Botches Design
Another area where pros make mistakes is in web design. Almost every week someone points out that Google has made a design flaw in its own website. Yes, Google. If Google can't get it right all the time, what chance do you have?
It can be soul-crushing to work for hours on a design only to discover an issue with your UI. There is little you can do but dust yourself off, commit to fixing the errors, and get back to work.
At the end of the day you have to give yourself the freedom to be human. Allow yourself to make mistakes, and realize that the mistakes you make are only going to make you a better designer or SEO pro. For more information click here https://v.redd.it/o8orc1otkth41.