CSS can seem overwhelming to learn when you're first starting. A few people take to it naturally, but most of us find it frustrating. The key to making CSS effortless is in how you learn it.
The foundation to understanding CSS is realizing everything is in a box. A webpage is made up of rectangular boxes. You can make the boxes look like circles if you want, but you must understand the box model. The boxes' height and width, it's padding and margins are essential elements that make the box look like you want it to. Start with the content box and then create the padding so the background will show. If you set overflow rules, you will have scrollbars in the box. Next you set the outline and then the margins around your box.
Next, you need to learn about creating a layout. It lets you treat each element as a block or line or use a combination of both. Creating responsive layouts is more advanced. You also have to learn how to set colors and selectors, which apply rules only to certain elements. There is also inheritance, when properties inherit their value unless it is specifically set. You can also create animation effects with CSS.
If you want to design websites, knowing CSS is essential. Even if you use pre-made templates, you need to know CSS to modify them unless you want your site to look like everyone else's that used the same template. You can't brand yourself without standing out from the competition.
If you know CSS, you can alter a website you bought without having to hire a developer. You can make small, site-wide changes quickly too. You can make your outdated site look modern by using trendy colors and updating the fonts. Why pay a developer when simple CSS isn't too hard to master. Don't attempt anything, however, unless you know what you're doing. It can be hard to fix if you make a mistake. For more information click here https://engineering.kablamo.com.au/posts/2021/my-first-css.