What You Should Know About Item Alignment on Flexbox Projects
Not all web developers think highly of Cascading Style Sheets. Despite the popularity of next-generation web programming languages such as CSS Grid, many developers feel that they have to write too much code and declarations in order to make CSS truly accessible. For this reason, Flexbox is emerging as sensible method to make CSS seem more universal.
Let's look at the process of aligning items in Flexbox. You have various values to choose from, which saves you from having to code numerous CSS declarations. If you were to design a website for an apparel retailer that sells shirts, pants, and shoes, you will have at least three major line categories to code. You can choose to present your products as a horizontal list, as a table, or as a three-part list.
The first part of the list is the name of the product, the second part is the size, and the last part is the material. So, in the case of shirts, you would choose a list of shirts and then a list for each material such as cotton, polyester, and so on. You can certainly use Flexbox to accomplish this. In CSS Grid, you would code like:
.list { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); grid-gap: 5px; grid-auto-flow: column; }
.list__item { margin: 1.5em; padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #eeeeee; }
The code above is a simple style snippet. The grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
part makes this appear in three rows. The second part of the CSS is pretty easy. It makes it so that the space between each column is 5px
. It's easy to do this, but the tricky part comes when you write the third line, which says grid-gap: 5px;
. The CSS Grid defines some new properties that allow you to easily work with spaces between items. In Flexbox, things are a little different. In this case, the Flexbox properties do this for you.
In essence, you start off with an alignment container, an alignment subject, a main axis, a cross axis, and your ending points. As you can see, Flexbox saves you the trouble of having to define every aspect of the grid. For more information click here https://csslayout.news/whats-the-difference-between-the-alignment-values-of-start-flex-start-and-self-start/.