Why E-Commerce Websites Have To Focus On The User Experience
In concept, the aim of any website run by a company that intends to stay financially stable while running a storefront is to facilitate the process through which a potential consumer is introduced to a product and subsequently granted the means to purchase it. This overarching goal informs the design structure of countless online stores because any on-screen aspect that makes it harder for the user to order the product would equate to a loss of consumer retention, which will subsequently mean fewer sales. Even purely cosmetic effects that do not technically make it harder to interact with an important button can still effectively make doing so more "difficult" by dividing and commanding the user's attention, forcing them to have to remember that the button is still present on the page.
Standards for consumer-friendly web design were not thoroughly established throughout the earlier years of the Internet, which resulted in many websites pursuing outlandish designs and layouts without necessarily fearing that consumers would be unwilling to put up with them. An example of a website that arguably hearkens back to this web design approach is located at peppasauce.love, which advertises and allows for the purchasing of a brand of hot sauce. It would be an understatement to say that the layout jumps out at the user and encourages them to shift their eyes across the window in various directions in order to learn various facts about the product.
Whereas websites that have elements dynamically shift their shape and position in response to the user's scroll bar tend to restrict these effects to multi-layered backgrounds and isolated foreground shapes, virtually every piece of text on this web page moves along with the window. While this design can be endearing to enthusiasts of atypical web design and layouts, the fact that some stretches of text will not even fully reveal themselves until the user's window has already begun scrolling past them would come across to professionals as counterintuitive. It similarly undermines the purpose of a storefront that the customer has to figure out how to even make the "Buy Now" button appear. For more information click here https://www.peppasauce.love/.