You Can Do a Lot With Just HTML5 and CSS

There's no hard and fast rule that implies you have to use JavaScript when coding modern web development projects. JavaScript is almost always expected whenever you need to accomplish a function or an interaction. It was JavaScript that brought about the Web 2.0 era, which eventually became mobile and progressive web apps.

With all the above in mind, is there a way to code a functional website these days without using any JavaScript at all? A software developer who recently completed an app project decided that the site for his product should be coded without any JavaScript. He only relied on HTML5 and CSS for the project, and he is the first to admit that it was quite challenging.

Once you learn and master JavaScript, it is hard to let go. Most web developers will take the next logical step, which would be to explore frameworks such as React and Vue, but we know that these coding platforms have become bloated. Although coding frameworks make things easier, they also tend to produce cookie-cutter websites, and they can be quite burdensome on devices that lack sufficient computing resources.

The software developer in question found it tempting to use JavaScript when confronted with features such as a screenshot gallery, zooming in on images, and making the site responsive. A framework would have made things easier thanks to libraries, but hewas able to pull it off with CSS Grid. Making the website suitable for mobile devices was a matter of setting the margin breaks with HTML5.

This kind of code can work and, depending on your preferences, you could also have something along the lines HTML5 responsive web design from Joomla. CSS Grid can be used to create responsive sites that use JavaScript and the open source project of the same name, but you can also skip it altogether.

Some coders would argue that CSS Grid is simply evolving into JavaScript as time goes on, but this is not really the case. When it comes to browser-based games, for example, JavaScript and Java are pretty much unavoidable, but you can code many layout aspects with just CSS. For more information click here