Ducks in a row, or so the metaphor goes, is used to describe having your life in order. In business, these ducks are a slew of different things, from web design and online developments, to marketable content and real-world advertisements. There are hundreds of elements that make success in a business. So, those proverbial ducks could take years to line up. However, you can consider SocialFix, a web design agency, a wrangler and organizer of every component that stands between your business and success. Their web designs, albeit months in the making, are detailed, informative, and rife with need-to-know content. SocialFix has been a powerhouse with prowess and moxie for years, but their efforts have just gone worldwide. Most of the surrounding cities in their base town provide optimum opportunities for design and development works. To help better the business world, the techie team hopes to teach design to others.