Hedgehog Lab - #10 of Best iPhone App Businesses

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Work Screenshot from the Award Winning Top iPhone App Agency Hedgehog Lab

Hedgehog Lab About Page

About Screenshot from the Award Winning Top iPhone App Company Hedgehog Lab

Hedgehog Lab

Hedgehog Lab is an application development and post personal computer technology consulting agency which was founded in 2007 by Mark Foster and Sarat Pediredla. This company has been successful since its inception and has expanded to include locations in six locations across the globe. Unlike most application development companies, Hedgehog Lab does not offer full service web development program. When describing the nature of the technology company, its founders state that they wish to focus solely on the development of exemplary post personal computer software. By focusing on this aspect of technological development instead of others, Hedgehog Lab has persisted in providing excellent services to thousands of customers around the world. The owners of Hedgehog Lab have also expressed a desire to turn every client into a fan of the company through a combination of excellent customer service and stellar technological development. The company can be reached through its website or at physical offices in Boston, Massachusetts and Austin, Texas.