Hedgehog Lab is a global app developer focused on post-PC software, from design to build. Founded by Sarat Pediredla and Mark Forster, Hedgehog Lab is committed to world-class design, technological skill, and innovation in technology. Upcoming projects include full application developments and design sprints to aid start ups in procuring investments. The world's most advanced businesses rely on Hedgehog Lab's global consultancy, design, development, build, and marketing for tablets, wearables, smartphones, AR, and more. Hedgehog specializes in mobile platforms like Windows Phone, iOS, Android, and HTML 5 web apps. Since its inception, Hedgehog Labs has striven to be the most advanced, most customer friendly technology consultancy in the world. The combination of stellar user experience and forward-thinking, dependable platforms is what makes Hedgehog a standout. Hedgehog focuses solely on design, build, and consultancy of post-PC software, allowing it to avoid bloat and remain the most streamlined, nimble, dependable company in the field.